Computer Science,
Control and
Geoinformation Doctorate

Courses & Seminars

Along their PhD path, students are supported in their education via an articulated organization of courses and seminars.

Two main categories of courses are set up yearly, namely short and long. Short courses are typically made up by 6/10 hours of lectures; they are extremely technical and focused on specific research topics. These courses may help students working in a specific research field to acquire knowledge on current/hot research trends and latest results in that field. Long courses are typically made up by 10/20 hours of lectures (or more); they are devoted to presenting fundamental concepts that can help students independently of their specific research focus. Lectures are provided by either professors and researchers coming from national institutions, and by re-known international experts.

Seminars are a different means for disseminating knowledge, which is also highly exploited in this PhD. Seminar lecturers are either experts specifically invited by the PhD board or invited by other organisms acting in cooperation with the PhD board. A seminar is typically focused on the presentation of high-quality research results in a given area.

The organization of courses and seminars has a highly dynamic schedule, which allows students to benefit from yearly variations of the offered educational support.